Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Keirsey Staggs

 Keirsey Staggs  #1452705
 Hill Top Trusty Camp
1500 State School Road
Gatesville Texas 76598    

Female  Sexual Preference: Bisexual

 Im 23 years old, looking forward to getting out soon. Im very out spoken, outgoing, and I love to laugh. Im goal oriented and more than half way through my degree. I like to express my self through music, and I write songs. Im looking for someone who is established in who they are, what they want for their life and their career. I love a good conversion with no limitations. Sense of humor and finding the good in everyone and everything are traits I behold and want in someone else as well. I love to explore new things and I love to learn. Gender and religion arnt important, neither is race because I like it all. Your beliefs are your own. Im looking for someone I can vibe with,enjoy eachother and be open and comfortable with. Im alot of fun to be around and I love people who can make me smile. Im a Leo very loving, affectionate, courageous, bold, blunt, funny, attentive, loyal, ans I love sex. Sex I love to explore! Im making a solid foundation for myself and future. So in return im looking for stability in a partner. I want honesty, respect, and integrity. Im open to any level of conversion and reaction as long as its sincere.

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